The Ultimate Guide to Photoshoots for Short-Term Rentals

A picture of a guy with a professional camera to his eye, takin photos.

In today’s digital age, where first impressions are made within a fraction of a second, the importance of stellar photography for your short-term rental can’t be overstated. Great photos can exponentially boost your listing, captivating potential guests and translating into more bookings. This comprehensive guide aims to assist short-term rental owners with standard operating procedures … Read more

Best Pillow Protectors for Airbnb and Other Short-Term Rental Properties

A picture of 4 white pillows stacked on top of each other.

Pillow protectors are an amazing tool that many short-term rental hosts swear by, yet some hosts don’t think about them when they are starting out. What are Pillow Protectors What exactly are pillow protectors, and how can they make life as a host easier for you and more comfortable and sanitary for your guests? Pillow … Read more

Eye-Catching Wallpapers to make your AirBNB Stand Out ~

Why use wallpaper in your Airbnb? Nowadays it seems like there are new Airbnb listings popping up literally everywhere! You will see some amazing properties with all the amenities (treehouses, indoor slides, castles, etc…) that easily market themselves, but do not let that discourage you. Most of us do not have those endless budgets, so … Read more